The Drill Pad
Marine/Navy Drill

Rest Positions

Purpose of the movement: To give the troops a rest from the position of attention
Number of counts involved in its execution: Parade rest, at ease and rest are one (1) count movements. Fall Out is not a precision movement and it has no counts.
When the movement may be executed: Halted at attention
Commands to cause the movement to be executed: PARADE REST, AT EASE, REST, FALL OUT

Parade Rest. Assume you are halted at attention and you receive the command, PARADE, REST. On the preparatory command PARADE, shift the weight of your body to the right leg without noticeable movement. On the command of execution REST and for the count of one, move the left foot smartly twelve inches to the left of the right foot (One). The twelve inches are measured from the inside of the right heel to the inside of the left heel. The heels remain on line. The legs remain straight without stiffness, allowing the body weight to rest equally on both legs. At the same time the left foot is moved, clasp the hands behind the back. The left hand is placed just below the belt, at the small of the back and the right hand is placed inside the left. The thumb of the right hand lightly grasps the thumb of the left hand. All the fingers are extended and joined and the palms are to the rear. The elbows will be in line with the body.

Silence and immobility are required. The only command you may receive while at parade rest is back to the position of attention, which is preceded by a preparatory command that is designated by the size of the unit such as squad, platoon or company. For the purpose of my demonstration I will use Squad. SQUAD, ATTENTION. On the command of execution, smartly bring the left heel against the right heel and at the same time drop the arms to the sides and assume the position of attention.

At Ease. Assume you are halted at attention and you receive the command, AT EASE. At the command AT EASE and for the count of one, the only requirement is that the right foot remains in place. You may move about and adjust equipment. Silence must be maintained. The only command you may receive while at ease is back to the position of attention, which is preceded by a preparatory command that is designated by the size of the unit such as squad, platoon or company. For the purpose of my demonstration, I will use Squad. On the preparatory command Squad, assume the position of parade rest. On the command of execution ATTENTION, smartly bring the left heel against the right heel, at the same time drop the arms to the sides and assume the position of attention. You may also be given this command when not in ranks. In this case it means cease talking but continue whatever you were doing before the command.

Rest. Assume you are halted at attention and you receive the command, REST. At the command REST and for the count of one, the only requirement is that your right foot remain in place. You may move about, adjust equipment, and talk in a low conversational tone. The only command you may receive while at rest is back to the position of attention, which is preceded by a preparatory command that is designated by the size of the unit such as squad, platoon or company. For the purpose of my demonstration, I will use Squad. On the preparatory command Squad, assume the position of parade rest. On the command of execution ATTENTION, smartly bring the left heel against the right heel, at the same time drop the arms to the sides and assume the position of attention.

Fall Out. Assume you are halted at attention and you receive the command, FALL OUT. On the command FALL OUT, you will leave your position in ranks. You will go to a predesignated area or remain in the immediate vicinity. The only command you may receive from fall out is FALL IN. On the command FALL IN, you will resume your position in ranks at the position of attention.

Individual Drill